Connections - All individuals affiliated with
the BCSF are connected with everyone else
in the organized BC caving community
through an online group distribution list and a
series of website Forums. These tools
enable them to arrange and join in caving
activities, discuss topics of interest and keep
informed about issues affecting caves and
cavers in BC and elsewhere.
Newsletter - Affiliation with the BCSF
provides online access to the Federation's
quarterly journal, BC Caver, which is
otherwise available only to members of other
caving organizations that have exchange
agreements with the Federation. BC Caver is
a high-quality digital publication providing a
lasting record of BC caving through articles,
photographs, cave surveys and news of past,
current and future caving activities. Members
can download and print current copies and
back-issues via a listserve link or can obtain
them at additional cost in hard copy format or
on CD by arrangement with the BCSF
Knowledge and Information - Federation
affiliates have access to CD collections of BC
cave surveys, photographs, articles and other
records of interest compiled by the Records
Committee. If you are interested in any of the
many aspects of caves and caving, you will
find a wealth of information among the
membership and records of the organized
caving community.
Fellowship - Being a member of the
organized caving community creates an
automatic connection with cavers who are
members of caving clubs in the province, the
rest of Canada, the United States and around
the world. The BCSF provides the framework
within which speleologists, cavers and
conservationists can share ideas and work for
common goals.
Conservation - Adding your name to the
BCSF roster strengthens the voice and
influence of the caving community in
educating governments, resource managers,
industry and the general public about the
benefits of conserving caves and karst areas.