Canadian and International Karst Resource and Conservation Links
The "No Experts" Karst Resource Page
Karst in British Columbia, a complex landscape sculpted by water.
A very good site by the Ministry of Forests.
Working for the British Columbia Ministry of Forests' Research Branch to develop preliminary karst inventory standards and procedures (KISP) for the Province of British Columbia (BC).
Karst Research Documents
Southeast Alaska Paleontology, research on fossil bears and other vertebrate remains found in Alaskan caves.
A report on the cave fossils of the Alexander Archipelago of Southeast Alaska
Cave and Karst Science, A scientific journal comprising original research papers, reviews and discussion forum on all aspects of speleological investigation, geology and geomorphology relating to karst and caves, archaeology, biospeleology, exploration and full expedition reports.
Management prescriptions for Tasmania's cave fauna Arthur Clarke, (Zoology Dept., University of Tasmania), Report to Tasmanian RFA Environment and Heritage Technical Committee
ABSTRACT: "Environmental pressures on conserving cave speleothems"
Karst Research Groups
Island Karst Research
A Karst Study and Management Group on Vancouver Island.
British Cave Research Association, The Association exists to encourage cave research, conservation and the development of caving technology in the broadest sense.
Cave Research Foundation, The CRF leads study of Mammoth Cave, Lilburn Cave and others in the United States.
The Karst Waters Institute is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit institution whose mission is to improve the fundamental understanding of karst water systems through sound scientific research and the education of professionals and the public.
Center for Cave and Karst Studies
The Limestone Research Group (LRG)
Department of Environmental and Geographical Sciences (Faculty of Science and Engineering) at Manchester Polytechnic.
Australasian Cave and Karst Management Association Inc. (ACKMA)
An organisation interested in the management of caves and karst from "Down Under".
The Indiana Karst Conservancy, "Protecting caves through active conservation"
Conferences and Symposiums
Nothing at the momment
Cave-Science Related Personel
Dr. T. H. Heaton - Department of Earth Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences, University of South Dakota
Rodney Crawford - Curatorial Associate (Arachnids), Burke Museum, University of Washington.
Dr. John Buchanan - Professor of Geology, Hydrogeology and Sedimentology Studies, Eastern Washington University, Geology Department.
World Karst and Speleological Conservation Related Resources
Return to the Canadian Karst Resources and Issues pages
The Centre for Forest Biology, University of Victoria, emphasizing forest regeneration and forest biotechnology.
Karst Link Page This Site is maintained by The Association of Polish Geomorphologists.
The Canadian Geomorphology Research Group, (CGRG)
Speleology in the National Park Service
The National Speleological Society
Cave Conservation and Management Section.
The National Speleological Society
Paleontology Section.
Environmental Organization WebDirectory, Lots-o-stuff!
Updated .