Caving Canada
Alberta/BC Cave Rescue Service
Step 2   911 operator or BC Emergency Coordination Centre (ECC) or STARS Emergency Link Centre (ELC)   ·	records caller’s name, call back #, and incident details and makes callback arrangements to ensure future two-way communications; ·	contacts an ABCCR Coordinator and plays back the recorded emergency call or otherwise conveys all details of the call -  1st   -  Provincial Coordinator; if no contact -  2nd  - appropriate Regional Coordinators, preferably in order listed; if no contact - 3rd  - individual cavers for individuals near the incident who will either contact a Coordinator or proceed to Step 3 on an acting basis; ·	places the local SAR Group on standby.  Step 3   ABCCR representatives, through conference call(s) if appropriate, provide the Tasking Authority with an expert assessment of situation and pursue an A or B response, as appropriate.   Step B4  ABCCR representative consults with ABCCR Coordinators and local cavers to further evaluate the situation.  If not already contacted, RCMP & ECC/ELC may be alerted and briefed in case of escalation. Step B5 ABCCR may dispatch a team to investigate, assist as appropriate                    a)                                    b)                  internal resolution           serious situation  Step B6 ABCCR reports back to RCMP and ECC/ELC                         a)                                    b)                incident closed            proceed to Step A4 Step A4  ABCCR recommends that the Tasking Authority initiate a formal rescue operation, mobilizing support as appropriate.  Tasking Authority obtains Task Number for operation from appropriate provincial authority if not previously issued. Step A5  Upon initiation of A4, ABCCR designates a Coordinator to work with designated RCMP, EMBC/AEMA, local SAR Group and Ambulance Service representatives. Step A6   ABCCR undertakes a callout  1st - area cavers and resources 2nd - out of area cavers and resources 3rd - NCRC (American) resources - may also request, through RCMP, specific support from EMBC/AEMA (e.g. air transport, surface support) Step A7 ABCCR: - designates a field cave rescue leader - Identifies an off-site central ABCCR contact or contacts - works with on-site police, local SAR Group, Ambulance Service and any others to clearly define roles & responsibilities in ICS structure.   Note:  ABCCR personnel will generally handle underground operations, planning and logistics functions with local SAR Groups assuming responsibility for surface aspects Step A8 Cave rescue proceeds under Tasking Authority with EMBC/AB Tasking agency liaison, above ground support and Task Number. Step 1  General public contacts RCMP & Ambulance Service (911) and BC Emergency Coordination Centre (BC) at  1-800-663-3456  or  STARS Emergency Link Centre (AB) at 1-403-299-2491 Concerned member of public or caver contacts a ABCCR caver or coordinator.  Go to Step 3